Tight Lines and Turbines is a networking retreat designed to bring clients together in a casual, fun setting to learn fly fishing and discuss business. Sent to a select group of key clients, this invitation details the activities and setting that our guests can expect during their three-day trip to the Rockies. The invitation’s design honors the sport of fly fishing with a nod to wood cuts used to illustrate turn-of-century (1890s) encyclopedias and catalogs. 2015 Winner of Best of Category, Announcements and Invitations, Printing and Imaging Association Of MIDAMERICA. 2015 Merit Award winner of HOW International Design Competition in invitations/announcements/greeting cards category. Winner of 2016 Communicator Award of Excellence in two categories in Print: Direct Mail and Special Event in Marketing/Promotion. Winner of the 2016 Communicator Award of Distinction in Print in the Invitations category in Marketing/Promotion. 4. Silver – Award of Distinction in Print for Marketing/Promotion – Design